A Word from Jeff Padellaro
Local 633 Stronger Than Ever!Over the past several years, Local 633 has continued to grow in membership. This growth may be attributed to the diverse backgrounds of our Business Agents, Field Representatives and Executive Board. Our recent successes include organizing school bus drivers, and public sector employees, which include law enforcement, town highway, … Continue reading →
United Parcel Service
Granite State Teamsters Newsletter
Bulletin Board
Local 633 Snapshots
NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING JANUARY 12, 2025 AT 10:00 a.m.The General Membership Meeting scheduled for this Sunday, December 6, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., will be held virtually on GoToWebinar. This decision was made out of an abundance of caution in light of the rising nuber of COVID-19 cases in NH. The Christmas raffle will be held this Spring when … Continue reading →
Senator Shaheen meets with Unions to Discuss Labor IssuesPrincipal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro requested that President Kevin Foley and Local 633’s Political Consultant and Lobbyist, Dennis Caza, attend a meeting with Senator Jeanne Shaheen where many issues concerning our members were discussed. Topics discussed included the Butch Lewis Act of 2019, which has been referred to the Committee on … Continue reading →
LOCAL 633 EXECUTIVE BOARD SWORN IN BY SEAN O’BRIENSean O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of Local 25, attended our Local Monthly Memebership Meeting to address the membership and swear in Local 633’s Executive Board. Sean discussed the importance of getting our younger members involved in the Union to keep the fight for workers’ rights going. His message was … Continue reading →
2018 Scholarship Recipients!Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro and the Executive Board are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 Scholarship Awards granted by Teamsters Local 633. “This is truly demonstrative of Teamsters helping Teamsters,” Jeff stated. The awardees were notified by mail on July 17, 2018, of their scholarship consisting of $1,000. … Continue reading →
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Author Archives: Bill Cahill
Keith Judge Visits AG with New CBA
Keith Judge, Teamsters’ Field Representative, visited the Associated Grocers facility located in Pembroke at 12:30 a.m. on July 14, 2017, to meet with our Teamster members. Keith was joined by Steward Rich Charity, a 5- year employee of AG, in meeting with the drivers as they reported for work. As always, the Teamster representatives wanted to hear from the members regarding any concerns or questions they may have had. Each driver was handed a printed copy of their new Collective Bargaining Agreement which is in effect from February 26, 2017, through October 15, 2021. Keith Judge, with the assistance of Business Agent Rick Laughton and the negotiating team, successfully negotiated a contract that included substantial raises while protecting their Health Care and Pension Benefits. Keith and Rich remained onsite until 6:00 a.m. in order to personally talk to every Teamster driver who was scheduled to work that day. Prior to becoming a full-time Field Representative for the Teamsters, Keith Judge worked at AG from 2006 through 2015.
NH DOC Unsustainable Overtime – A Snapshot
Jeff Padellaro has made the Governor aware, through direct communication, that the current staffing levels of the Department of Corrections are unacceptable. The overtime necessary to maintain critical staffing for the Concord facility on July 8th and 9th was beyond unacceptable. On the 8th of July over 49% of the posts were filled by officers working overtime; on July 9th, over 47% of the posts were filled by officers working overtime. The majority of those officers are forced to work double shifts several times a week. The men and women who work for the Department of Corrections are dedicated professionals who have continually reported to work knowing that their 8- hour shift will more likely than not result in an 16- hour stay. The state has failed to recruit a sufficient number of recruits to reverse this dangerous trend. The only way to increase recruitment in this tough and dangerous profession is to offer a compensation package that is comparable to other law enforcement opportunities that exist in NH or close-by in Massachusetts. Jeff Padellaro, along with your negotiating team made up of veteran COs, will continue to educate the state and the public regarding the need to properly fund this department and support the men and women who make it work.
Cheshire County Corrections Officers held a vote on June, 22, 2016, to determine whether or not they would vote the Teamsters Local 633 as their exclusive representative. The vote was scheduled by the NH Public Employees Labor Relations Board. Joint Council 10 Organizer Roger Travers organized the group under the direction of Secretary Treasurer David W. Laughton. The Cheshire County Corrections Officers voted overwhelmingly to join the Teamsters. Principal Officer Laughton was extremely pleased to welcome this professional group of law enforcement officers to the Teamster family. Laughton stated, “These men and women chose a difficult vocation and deserve the respect and support of the County which we will ensure through collective bargaining.”
Organizer Roger Travers spent many days outside the corrections facility speaking with and addressing the needs and concerns of the proposed bargaining unit members. The proposed group was subjected to a “Mandatory Collective Bargaining Informational Meeting” where the County’s legal counsel discussed the pitfalls of joining a Union. At the direction of David Laughton, the Teamsters held a voluntary informational meeting at a local hotel conference room to discuss any concerns the proposed members may have had after listening to a one-sided presentation. The meeting was hosted by Organizer Roger Travers, Business Agent Jeffrey Padellaro and Attorney William Cahill. A dozen or so correctional officers stopped in during the day to discuss issues they may have had.
Dave Laughton stated, “Local 633 is uniquely positioned to represent law enforcement officers with our staff consisting of Business Agents who have been representing police departments and correctional officers for decades along with legal counsel who has worked as a state correctional officer and police officer. We look forward to representing our brothers and sisters working at the Cheshire County Correctional facility.”
UPS Wage Discrepancy Issues
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
It has come to my attention that numerous employees have unwittingly gotten themselves into a situation where they owe the company money. This has resulted from members being mistakenly overpaid for the time worked. In some cases, this has amounted to thousands of dollars which can be a shock to any family’s budget.
Please check your paychecks on a regular basis to ensure that the amount paid is commensurate with the time worked. It is unacceptable for the employer to shortchange you or overpay you for your hard work.
Your Teamsters National Negotiating Committee headed by Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa along with Co-Chair General Secretary/Treasurer Ken Hall have successfully negotiated safeguards to protect UPS members. Specifically, Article 17, states:
When an employee notifies the Employer in writing of any ongoing over-payment, the employee’s increasing liability will cease five (5)working days after the date of the written notification. The notification shall be provided to the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager.
Attached you will find a form to accomplish this requirement. This form should be immediately completed and delivered to your manager when any over-payment is discovered by you. A copy should be retained by you for your records and a second copy should be forwarded to my attention. If you have any questions regarding this matter do not hesitate to notify your Steward and contact me at foley@teamsters633.com or fax it to the Union Hall at (603) 625-6767.
Kevin P. Foley
Business Agent
Dave Laughton Supports the Manchester Principals and Assistant Principals
On, October 20, 2015, Secretary/Treasurer and Principal Officer Dave Laughton attended a meeting before the Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen in support of our members. The Manchester Principals and Assistant Principals made a presentation concerning the resumption of the Joint Committee consisting of Aldermen, School Committee Members and representatives of the Teamster Principals. Upon Dave Laughton’s arrival he was recognized and acknowledged by At-Large Alderman Daniel P. O’Neil. The issue of Alternative learning programs and environments was also discussed. The Teamsters support the Manchester Principals and Assistant Principals in their quest to provide a safe learning environment along with the core principle of a Free Appropriate Public Education to all of Manchester’s student population.
Concord Prison Tour August 19, 2015
On August 19, 2015, Business Agent Jeff Padellaro, Attorney Bill Cahill, CO Frank Logan and CO Glenn Bergeron (NCF) toured the Concord facility. Bargaining Unit Members were advised of the status of the state budget and the efforts by the Teamsters to fund the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). An issue was raised that the Interim Warden was attempting to see what Full- Time Positions could be eliminated from the facility. The membership was informed that this issue would be addressed immediately with the Commissioner’s Office. It has been, and continues to be, the position of Local 633 to increase the staffing levels as supported and recommended by the Performance Audit issued in November 2012. In fact, this study was used in bargaining to ensure that the new overtime rules in effect for other Unions will not negatively impact our members until overtime hours are reduced and staffing are increased significantly in Concord. The new CBA has specific benchmarks which must be met and maintained in order for the state to make any changes to, when and if, unscheduled sick time affects overtime with regard to accruing time worked. As always, we greatly appreciate the input from the members during these visits and several members identified issues that would be addressed with the Department. The Polo shirts looked very professional by those who chose to purchase them and we thank the LMC Committee members who championed the issue along with Business Agent Jeff Padellaro.
Message from Business Agent Rick Laughton

Associated Grocers is one of our larger single site employers with over 200 members working out of their Pembroke NH warehouse location. From there, the drivers cover all of New England and designated areas of New York and Pennsylvania. This company’s operations are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and has had a contract with Teamsters Local 633 for decades providing our members with comparatively competitive Pension and Health and Welfare Benefits.