2021-4-27 FSNMA Offer
The General Membership Meeting scheduled for this Sunday, December 6, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., will be held virtually on GoToWebinar. This decision was made out of an abundance of caution in light of the rising nuber of COVID-19 cases in NH. The Christmas raffle will be held this Spring when conditions allow. Registration is required to attend. Please use the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6846499888374761744
Once you register you will receive an invite with instructions. We look forward to you joining us this Sunday. Stay Healthy and Safe.
Principal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro requested that President Kevin Foley and Local 633’s Political Consultant and Lobbyist, Dennis Caza, attend a meeting with Senator Jeanne Shaheen where many issues concerning our members were discussed. Topics discussed included the Butch Lewis Act of 2019, which has been referred to the Committee on Finance. The plan proposed by Senators Grassley and Alexander was also discussed. Both proposals reference the status of many Multiemployer pension plans covering approximately 1.3 million citizens and the rehabilitation of such plans. Other issues discussed included the impact of automation on the labor force.
Sean O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of Local 25, attended our Local Monthly Memebership Meeting to address the membership and swear in Local 633’s Executive Board. Sean discussed the importance of getting our younger members involved in the Union to keep the fight for workers’ rights
going. His message was well-received by the membership. Jeff Padellaro thanked Sean for attending the meeting and thanked the many members in attendance for their unwavering support for the Executive Board and the membership that many of them represent as their stewards.
July 19, 2018 Myrtle Beach S.C.
Before the Teamsters/UPS Freight Eastern Region Grievance and Arbitration Panel
Teamsters Local 633 scored a big Arbitration victory for our member Robert Ventullo who was wrongfully terminated by UPS Freight.
“UPS is a giant corporation who thought they could trample all over my due process contractual rights and unjustly fire me. However, during the course of the Arbitration hearing, Kevin (Foley) turned the balance of justice towards our favor, making truth and justice apply equally and fairly resulting in the win. I believe the professional representation was excellent. The outcome and decision were swift,” said Robert Ventullo.
Business Agent Kevin Foley stated, “The case itself involved UPS wrongly terminating Brother Ventullo on March 1, 2018 for alleged dishonesty. In my view and experience, it was a classic case of making a mountain out of a mole hill and constructing a discharge case which triggered a grievance protesting this company action. You basically had a city driver making a routine pick up and deciding to move out of the way for another trucker at the same stop. In that process he made a mundane recording mistake for which the company fired him and removed him from the payroll. The case entailed 3 ½ hours of presentation and testimony, which resulted in the panel being deadlocked. The Arbitrator sustained the Union’s case and awarded full back pay and benefits to the grievant from March 1, 2018 through July 19, 2018. I would like to thank my Shop Steward Roger Martineau who was a key Union witness as well as Robert Ventullo who struggled through, stuck to his convictions, and allowed us to try this case and prevail. Justice delayed is not justice denied.”
Teamsters Local 633 will fight to correct the injustice of corporate attacks on workers’ rights. When the Company was trying to wage an attack against his rights under the contract, Business Agent Kevin Foley and the Teamsters Union Local 633 stood up for Brother Ventullo.
Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro stated, “Local 633 will always step up and protect the rights of our members. This was a great victory and illustrates the true meaning of UNION STRENGTH and PRIDE.”
Jeff Padellaro and the Executive Board of Local 633 organized and executed an outing for some exceptional campers from Camp Allen. Under the direction of Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro, the Teamsters partnered with Associated Grocers, First Student, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Bimbo Bakeries and Mondelez International to provide transportation, food and drink to dozens of Camp Allen Campers. 40 Teamsters, along with the Camp Allen Staff, provided a safe, fun day at Hampton State Park July, 15, 2018. Participants who wanted to experience the ocean were accompanied by Teamsters and Camp Allen Staff into the surf for a refreshing and safe experience. Jeff extends his thanks to the Teamsters who volunteered their time to cook, drive the trucks and buses, and host the campers at Hampton Beach. Additionally, Jeff extends his thanks to employers who generously donated their equipment, food and beverages for this event.
Please enjoy the pictures below and share the excitement of the attendees and volunteers alike.
Local 633 Business Agent Rick Laughton met with members of the Raymond Police Department and their negotiating team in preparation for the Deliberative Session in the Town of Raymond. The Negotiating Committee was able to negotiate a tentative agreement with the Town’s representatives and approved by our members. The last step in the process is ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement is securing the votes from the taxpayers. The effort and strategy put forth by B.A. Rick Laughton paid off as their contract was approved by the voters. Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Padellaro stated, “It was a team effort, and Rick did a great job keeping the members informed, as well as coordinating community outreach.”
Frank Logan
Correctional Officer – Union Steward
Principal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro created this section to profile our members in more depth so that our brothers and sisters have a better appreciation for members working in careers with which they may not be familiar.
Frank Logan is currently assigned to the Concord Prison for Men’s Secure Psychiatric Unit (SPU). A 49-year-old Army Veteran, Frank has worked for the Department of Correction since 1999. He recalled the hiring process as slow and that new Correctional Officers were assigned to one of three locations prior to attending the academy. Frank described a situation where the new officers would be introduced to the new environment with little training. The assignments for the Correctional Officers in Training (COT) included a post in the Chapel, a post in the old weight room located near Box 1, and the visiting room.
“The visiting room was a difficult assignment for a COT as the inmates had the ability to meet with visitors and potentially introduce contraband,” Frank said. In addition, to bring attention to the status of the COT, they were required to wear a cover with the word “TRAINEE” emblazoned on it.
Frank described attending the Academy located in the Berlin facility administrative house. Three COTs were housed at the building for the duration of his training. The Admin building was described as an old farmhouse.
Frank recalls the introduction of cameras within the facility and described the apprehension felt by many of the experienced officers. Frank believes the stationary and hand-held cameras have generally been a good addition to the security infrastructure of the facility. Other improvements over the years have included the upgrading of radios and the introduction of Tasers within the department. Frank stated he would like the Tasers distributed to any officer who requests them.
Over the years, Frank has worked at every post within the facility except the Main Control Post. During his career he has been assaulted seven times, one of which was extremely serious, resulting in time off from work and the criminal prosecution of the inmate. The inmate was sentenced to additional time for the assault.
Frank stated that being an officer is a difficult job but believes it is important to remain positive. He said that Correctional Officers “work with your head on a swivel and to always look out for your brother and sister officer.” Frank expressed sincere concern over the number of hours officers are forced to work as a result of the critically low staffing numbers. Frank says that, unfortunately, some officers develop serious health issues, have difficulty maintaining healthy personal relationships at home and experience serious child care issues as a result of officers being forced to work two to four forced overtime shifts a week. In addition, because the staffing is always at the minimum, the officers available to respond to inmates acting out is severely limited.
When asked about his interaction with the Union, Frank responded that he had tried to get involved when previous Unions represented the group, but felt it was a closed system. Frank stated he is extremely satisfied with the Teamsters’ approach to servicing the members. He cited the Tours of Teamster Union officials on a regular basis and the availability of the Business Agents, Field Representative and legal counsel by phone and email between face- to- face meetings. He also appreciated Local 633 sending two of the stewards to a 3-day critical incident/internal affairs seminar and hopes to attend additional training provided by the Local.
When asked about his participation at the Labor Management Committee (LMC), Frank said, “It is an excellent forum to bring up issues directly to the Commissioner without it being filtered by the other members of the Administration.” Frank stated that he hoped the Governor and the other decision makers in the legislature would visit the facility and meet the men and women who, through their professionalism and commitment, make it work under difficult conditions. They make it work with staffing shortages that are unbelievably taxing on the officers. Frank said, “It is a pleasure to work beside the many men and women who do such a great job and I know have my back.”
Frank Logan is a Teamster Steward, LMC member, and he is on the Negotiating Committee.
On behalf of the Executive Board, I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation for all the time and effort Frank dedicates for all of our members employed by the Department of Correction. JP
Editor’s Note: Frank, we agree, the Governor and company should tour the facility, and, when their tour is complete, they should be notified that their tour has been unexpectedly extended another 8 hours.
Mayoral Candidate Joyce Craig was introduced to the membership Sunday, November 5, 2017, prior to the monthly membership meeting being called to order. The Teamsters represent several bargaining units employed by the City and the School District. Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro stated that he was impressed with Ms. Craig’s positive and enthusiastic outlook for the City of Manchester. Jeff Padellaro stated, “It is time for the executive of this fine city to address the issues that resulted in other communities pulling out of the Manchester School District. Mayor-elect Craig is uniquely qualified to address that issue and to take action in support of the schools to entice the surrounding communities to come back to the Manchester School District.” Padellaro continued, “It will be a pleasant change to have a mayor that appreciates not only the taxpayers, but also the men and women who work for the City to make it all work, many of whom are also taxpayers and residents.”
Candidate Craig was well- received by the Teamster members in attendance at the monthly meeting.
Congratulations, Mayor-elect Craig!
Atlanta, October 5, 2017 – UPS (NYSE:UPS) has reestablished delivery service to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Air shipments, small package, and some freight services are now available in 149 of the island’s 176 zip codes (see www.ups.com for daily updates to service areas, by zip code).
“We are pleased to begin operations again in Puerto Rico, though the situation is dynamic. Power outages, many impassable roads, and damaged communications infrastructure are impacting our ability to operate normally,” said UPS Americas Region President, Romaine Seguin.
The company has established a special hurricane aid rate discount, which can be applied at the time of shipping, for packages shipped from the U.S. to Puerto Rico and selected Caribbean destinations. To access the discount, UPS customers should go to www.ups.com/ship, visit a local The UPS Store location, or call 1-800-PICK-UPS. The special shipping rates will be available from Monday, October 9, through Tuesday, October 31 for individual customers not under existing UPS commercial contract agreements. The discount applies to UPS’s Ground shipping solutions, the company’s least expensive products, most often used by individual shippers.
Throughout Puerto Rico some residents are living in alternative dwellings. In response, UPS has begun special hold for package pick-up services at five of the company’s seven package centers in Puerto Rico. In San Juan, pick-up hours are from 8am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. In Arecibo, Bayamon, Caguas and Ponce, pick-up hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.
UPS customers shipping to the island should anticipate delayed service at this time, and the company’s time-in-transit commitments are temporarily suspended, due to the extensive damage to the island’s roads and other infrastructure. Additionally, many packages shipped prior to the hurricane are now being transported, and there is a backlog in UPS facilities throughout the island and on the mainland. The company is implementing contingency plans, but expects continued challenges before returning operations to normal.
UPS and The UPS Foundation have been supporting relief operations for Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria devastated the island. Until now, The UPS Foundation and UPS Airlines have been prioritizing flights to Puerto Rico for first responder organizations. In fact, since just prior to the hurricane, UPS has operated 17 relief charter flights, transporting more than 1.7 million pounds of relief supplies to Puerto Rico for groups including UNICEF, FEMA, CDC, Salvation Army and others. Earlier this week, The UPS Foundation, UNICEF and the State of New York announced several flights to deliver water and hygiene kits to thousands in need on the island.
At the same time, UPS employees have been working at a grassroots level throughout the Caribbean, including in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Recently, several UPS Freight truck drivers also deployed to Puerto Rico to provide additional assistance, at the request of the White House and Department of Transportation. The UPS Foundation continues to support recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, and the earthquake in Mexico. The UPS Foundation also conducted a test in the Houston area together with the American Red Cross, using a drone to capture high resolution photography and aid in disaster assessment efforts.
More than 470 UPS employees live and work in Puerto Rico, and UPS is continuing to locate staff, make sure they are safe, provide direct aid and make arrangements to resume deliveries where the company has reopened operations.
“Local 633 had a strong showing at the Annual 2017 Labor Day Breakfast held at the Saint George Orthodox Cathedral in Manchester,” according to Jeff Padellaro. Senator Maggie Hassan, pictured above, greeted old friends at the Breakfast. Pictured with Senator Hassan are Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro; Business Agent Rick Laughton; Business Agent Kevin Foley; Field Representatives Keith Judge and Roger Travers; and Trustees Scott Gove and James Petrillo.
The Breakfast was attended by labor leaders along with politicians representing local and state government. Jeff Padellaro commented that without union representation the working class can not keep pace with the rising cost of living. Without representation, we would have working men and women of this country facing the accountants and lawyers representing corporate interests, with the worker standing alone, without the protection of the Union to act as a shield against arbitrary and capricious actions of the corporation.