July 19, 2018 Myrtle Beach S.C.
Before the Teamsters/UPS Freight Eastern Region Grievance and Arbitration Panel
Teamsters Local 633 scored a big Arbitration victory for our member Robert Ventullo who was wrongfully terminated by UPS Freight.
“UPS is a giant corporation who thought they could trample all over my due process contractual rights and unjustly fire me. However, during the course of the Arbitration hearing, Kevin (Foley) turned the balance of justice towards our favor, making truth and justice apply equally and fairly resulting in the win. I believe the professional representation was excellent. The outcome and decision were swift,” said Robert Ventullo.
Business Agent Kevin Foley stated, “The case itself involved UPS wrongly terminating Brother Ventullo on March 1, 2018 for alleged dishonesty. In my view and experience, it was a classic case of making a mountain out of a mole hill and constructing a discharge case which triggered a grievance protesting this company action. You basically had a city driver making a routine pick up and deciding to move out of the way for another trucker at the same stop. In that process he made a mundane recording mistake for which the company fired him and removed him from the payroll. The case entailed 3 ½ hours of presentation and testimony, which resulted in the panel being deadlocked. The Arbitrator sustained the Union’s case and awarded full back pay and benefits to the grievant from March 1, 2018 through July 19, 2018. I would like to thank my Shop Steward Roger Martineau who was a key Union witness as well as Robert Ventullo who struggled through, stuck to his convictions, and allowed us to try this case and prevail. Justice delayed is not justice denied.”
Teamsters Local 633 will fight to correct the injustice of corporate attacks on workers’ rights. When the Company was trying to wage an attack against his rights under the contract, Business Agent Kevin Foley and the Teamsters Union Local 633 stood up for Brother Ventullo.
Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro stated, “Local 633 will always step up and protect the rights of our members. This was a great victory and illustrates the true meaning of UNION STRENGTH and PRIDE.”