Local 633 Stronger Than Ever!


Over the past several years, Local 633 has continued to grow in membership. This growth may be attributed to the diverse backgrounds of our Business Agents, Field Representatives and Executive Board. Our recent successes include organizing school bus drivers, and public sector employees, which include law enforcement, town highway, school principals and support staff. Much of our growth is attributable to word of mouth from current members and our reputation for providing strong negotiators to bargain and enforce contracts. We will continue to grow this Local throughout 2024 with your assistance and the professional services provided by the Business Agents, Field Representatives and Organizers. We believe in a team approach, and we are fortunate to have a team with unparalleled credentials and experience to maintain the level of services current members are accustomed to. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to the growth and strength of Local 633!





Sisters and Brothers, out of an abundance of caution, I am cancelling the General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 2020. It is clear that many businesses, institutions and government agencies are limiting large gatherings in an effort to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus. As always, the health and safety of you and your families come first. Stay Healthy and Safe.

Jeff Padellaro
Principal Officer

Senator Shaheen meets with Unions to Discuss Labor Issues

Principal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro requested that President Kevin Foley and Local 633’s Political Consultant and Lobbyist, Dennis Caza, attend a meeting with Senator Jeanne Shaheen where many issues concerning our members were discussed. Topics discussed included the Butch Lewis Act of 2019, which has been referred to the Committee on Finance. The plan proposed by Senators Grassley and Alexander was also discussed. Both proposals reference the status of many Multiemployer pension plans covering approximately 1.3 million citizens and the rehabilitation of such plans. Other issues discussed included the impact of automation on the labor force.





Principal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro announced the Local 633’s Scholarship Recipients for 2019. Jeff stated, “This is truly Teamsters supporting Teamsters. The Scholarship Fund is funded by voluntary donations from our members and other Local Teamster Unions throughout the country. College is an expensive investment and every little bit helps. We wish all the recipients much success in their academic pursuits.”


Congratulations to the following Teamsters and the recipients of Local 633’s Scholarship Awards:

Karissa Belyea, daughter of Kevin Belyea, Bimbo USA;
Sophie Chiasson, daughter of Paul Chiasson, JG MacLellan;
Noah Chretien, son of Richard Chretien, Manchester Principal;
Brandon Cote, son of Christopher Cote, Pepsi;
Nicholas Desrosiers, son of Travis Desrosiers, Mondelez;
Lauren Farrell, daughter of David Farrell, Bimbo USA;
Morgan Leonard, daughter of Joe Leonard, Pepsi;
Dylan McMenemy, son of David McMenemy, Coca Cola;
Tyler Merrill, son of Timothy Merrill, UPS;
Lauren Tellier, daughter of Dan Tellier, ABF Freight; and
Connor Thibault, son of Timothy Thibault, Coca Cola.



Sean O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of Local 25, attended our Local Monthly Memebership Meeting to address the membership and swear in Local 633’s Executive Board. Sean discussed the importance of getting our younger members involved in the Union to keep the fight for workers’ rights going. His message was well-received by the membership. Jeff Padellaro thanked Sean for attending the meeting and thanked the many members in attendance for their unwavering support for the Executive Board and the membership that  many of them represent as  their stewards. 

David W. Laughton Honored at October Union Meeting

Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro honored the decades of dedicated service that David W. Laughton  provided to the men and women of Local 633, and to the Teamsters Organization, at this month’s general membership meeting. Dave’s relationship with the Teamsters began in 1971 when he worked as a union truck driver for various employers. In 1973, after serving as a steward, he stepped up and was elected as a Business Agent for Local 633.  The membership recognizing his leadership skills elected Dave to become the Secretary-Treasurer of Local 633 in 1983, where he remained until his retirement in January of 2017. 

In addition to all the duties and obligations entrusted to Dave in managing Local 633, Dave served the International in several capacities including, Secretary-Treasurer/Director of the Brewery & Soft Drink Workers Conference, Co-Chairman Anheuser-Busch National Negotiations, Co-Chairman Miller/Coors Negotiations, to name a few. Dave’s leadership skills were further recognized by the member Locals of Joint Council 10, where he served as the Secretary-Treasurer and Principal Officer from 2003 until his retirement. 

Although Dave has retired from his position at Local 633 he remains a valuable asset that many of us utilize from time to time. Dave remains active in the AB negotiations and is presently the Chairman of Allegiant Care. 

Local 633’s Executive Board enthusiastically voted to name the Union Hall the “David W. Laughton Membership Hall.” Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro revealed the plaque afterwhich Dave expressed his appreciation of the recognition to the members in attendance. The membership responded with a long standing ovation for a man that has had a positive impact on so many members and their families.

Jeff Padellaro stated, “Dave grew this Local into the powerhouse that it is today by hard work and demanding only the best for our members. We owe his family our gratitude and thanks for sharing him with us for the many decades of selfless dedication to the Teamsters International, Joint Council 10 and Local 633.”


Teamsters Local 633 Wins $23,000 Arbitration Award for UPS Freight Worker

July 19, 2018 Myrtle Beach S.C.

Before the Teamsters/UPS Freight Eastern Region Grievance and Arbitration Panel

Teamsters Local 633 scored a big Arbitration victory for our member Robert Ventullo who was wrongfully terminated by UPS Freight.

“UPS is a giant corporation who thought they could trample all over my due process contractual rights and unjustly fire me. However, during the course of the Arbitration hearing, Kevin (Foley) turned the balance of justice towards our favor, making truth and justice apply equally and fairly resulting in the win. I believe the professional representation was excellent.  The outcome and decision were swift,” said Robert Ventullo.

Business Agent Kevin Foley stated, “The case itself involved UPS wrongly terminating Brother Ventullo on March 1, 2018 for alleged dishonesty. In my view and experience, it was a classic case of making a mountain out of a mole hill and constructing a discharge case which triggered a grievance protesting this company action. You basically had a city driver making a routine pick up and deciding to move out of the way for another trucker at the same stop. In that process he made a mundane recording mistake for which the company fired him and removed him from the payroll. The case entailed 3 ½ hours of presentation and testimony, which resulted in the panel being deadlocked. The Arbitrator sustained the Union’s case and awarded full back pay and benefits to the grievant from March 1, 2018 through July 19, 2018. I would like to thank my Shop Steward Roger Martineau who was a key Union witness as well as Robert Ventullo who struggled through, stuck to his convictions, and allowed us to try this case and prevail. Justice delayed is not justice denied.”

Teamsters Local 633 will fight to correct the injustice of corporate attacks on workers’ rights.  When the Company was trying to wage an attack against his rights under the contract, Business Agent Kevin Foley and the Teamsters Union Local 633 stood up for Brother Ventullo.

Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro stated, “Local 633 will always step up and protect the rights of our members. This was a great victory and illustrates the true meaning of UNION STRENGTH and PRIDE.” 


2018 Scholarship Recipients!

Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro and the Executive Board are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 Scholarship Awards granted by Teamsters Local 633. “This is truly demonstrative of Teamsters helping Teamsters,” Jeff stated. The awardees were notified by mail on July 17, 2018, of their scholarship consisting of $1,000. Jeff commented, “In an age of skyrocketing costs associated with Teamsters’ children attending institutions of higher learning, every little bit helps. We wish these scholars and future leaders much success in their academic career.”

Member Name   Employment   Child’s name
Scott Anderson   Atkinson Police   Angela  
Sean Avery   UPS     Emily  
Dan Brockway   Manchester Airport   Ryan  
Jeremy Brooks   UPS     Jaelyn  
Russell Brown   UPS     Katie AND Sabrina
Mark Clifford   UPS     Patrick  
John King Jr.   UPS Freight   Alexander
Rowan Kosmin   Airgas     Stephanie
Chris Lamontagne   NH DOC Berlin   Travis  
John Moody   UPS     Autumn  
Joy Ouellette   Nashua Police Dept. Jared  
William Pease   Nashua Police Dept. Kelsey  
Glenn Rand   Associated Grocers   Hailey  
Charles Renfors   NH Distributors   Kendra  
Todd Schroeder   UPS     Nathanial
Bryan Stanley   UPS     Patrick  
Scott Watson   NH DOC Berlin   Connor  



Jeff Padellaro and the Executive Board of Local 633 organized and executed an outing for some exceptional campers from Camp Allen. Under the direction of Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro, the Teamsters partnered with Associated Grocers, First Student, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Bimbo Bakeries and Mondelez International to provide transportation, food and drink to dozens of Camp Allen Campers. 40 Teamsters, along with the Camp Allen Staff, provided a safe, fun day at Hampton State Park July, 15, 2018. Participants who wanted to experience the ocean were accompanied by Teamsters and Camp Allen Staff into the surf for a refreshing and safe experience. Jeff extends his thanks to the Teamsters who volunteered their time to cook, drive the trucks and buses, and host the campers at Hampton Beach. Additionally, Jeff extends his thanks to employers who generously donated their equipment, food and beverages for this event.

Please enjoy the pictures below and share the excitement of the attendees and volunteers alike.