Teamsters’ Retirements Acknowledged at the February General Membership Meeting
Principal Officer Jeffrey Padellaro and Business Agent Richard Laughton presented Gerry McGuire with a Teamsters’ watch in recognition of his long time commitment to the Union. Agent Laughton stated, “Gerry is a 36 year member of the Teamsters. He spent over 30 years at Yellow/Roadway and 4 years at Red Star. As a former Shop Steward, Gerry was very helpful during the merger of the two companies. Gerry has always been an active participant in our Local Union and regularly attended our monthly membership meetings. During his long career, he always looked out for the best interests of our members at work. Gerry is a true Teamster. Good luck, my friend.”
Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro and Business Agent Kevin Foley presented James Duso with a Teamsters’ watch in recognition of 31 years as a Union member. James is retiring from UPS where he was a Feeder Driver. Kevin Foley stated,”Jim started his career at UPs as a Package Car Driver in Laconia in 1987. Jim then took advantage of the Feeder Driver opportunity where he remained until retirement. Jim has always been extremely helpful and a great asset to this Union. He represented both the Union and UPS in a professional manner at all times. We hope that he has a very long, safe and healthy retirement and wish him nothing but the best.”
Principal Officer Jeff Padellaro and Business Agent Kevin Foley presented Theodore Burnette with a Teamsters’ watch in recognition of 35 years as a Union member. Ted is retiring from UPS where he worked as a MHT Gateway 22.3 Combo employee at the Manchester Airport. Kevin Foley stated, ” UPS grew because of folks like Ted with his hard work and dedication to the mission. I believe his constructive, thoughtful questions helped and encouraged me to be better at what I do for all our members. I hope his retirement is long and healthy and Ted has the opportunity to do those things he has put off for so many years. We all wish Ted a long and happy retirement.”
Jeff Padellaro thanked all the retirees for their hard work and dedication to their employers and the Union. Jeff stated, ” These members are the faces of our Local; hard working for their employer and strong loyal members for our Local. These two qualities are not mutually exclusive. On behalf of the Local’s Executive Board, I want to wish them a long, healthy and happy retirement. I look forward to seeing them at future General Membership meetings and other Union events where they will always be welcome as part of our Union family.”