The following Teamsters Scholarship Applications will be available in the near future for any high school senior of a Teamster member graduating in June of 2018. The following deadlines apply:

The IBT Scholarship Program has a deadline of 3/31/18.  Closed for 2018

Joint Council 10’s Scholarship Program has a deadline of  3/12/18. Closed for 2018

Local 633’s Scholarship Program has a deadline of 7/15/18.  See Application Below.

Secretary-Treasurer Jeffrey Padellaro urges all eligible members to apply for these scholarships. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call the Union Hall. 



Rockingham County Sheriff’s Deputies Exposed to Fentanyl

Two deputies were exposed recently to the deadly narcotic fentanyl while conducting a motor vehicle stop for a suspected impaired driver. The stop occurred on December 4th on North Road in the vicinity of the Rockingham County Complex. During the stop, the deputies became aware that the operator was transporting the substance within a pill bottle. Upon opening the bottle to confirm the presence of the dangerous substance, the powder became airborne. The deputies secured the substance and arrested the operator; subsequently, the deputies were treated and released from the hospital as a precaution because of the potential exposure.

Unfortunately, the dangers arising out of motor vehicle stops and domestic violence calls continue to grow. These brave souls continue to perform their duties as professionals knowing they face serious injuries or worse, from passing vehicles, exposed contaminated needles, airborne narcotics, weapons or violent reactions by the suspect(s).    

Business Agent Rick Laughton reached out to the Steward to make sure that the involved deputies were all set. Rick Laughton represents the Rockingham County Deputies and Dispatchers. Be safe out there!